Welcome to Crossline Young Adults!
If you are a young adult within the ages of 18-25 who is looking for a place where you can hang with others your age while you collectively worship Christ and grow in discipleship, then we invite you to come check out Crossline Young Adults.
Vision: To see Crossline become a sending hub of zealous, confident and equipped young adults into Orange County and the world for the sake of Christ.
Mission: We will provide an environment where young adults can ENCOUNTER Jesus, BELONG to a community and INVEST in their relationship with God and others.
Coffee Shop Bible Study
Join Us for Coffee & Jesus!
We’re inviting all young adults to our Coffee Shop Bible Studies! Grab your favorite drink, invite all of your friends and join us as we talk about faith, life, and the Word!
It’s a great chance to connect with other young adults and dive deeper into your love for Jesus.
For more information on our next coffee shop bible study, text Leilani Munck at (949)426-2098 or email at [email protected]
Community Group
Are you a young adult craving community with other Jesus-loving young adults? Join our Sunday night young adults group, ages 18-25.
For meeting details and information on joining the group, contact Leilani Munck at (949)426-2098, or email at [email protected]
Worship Nights
Hume Lake In-Person Registration
High School Navigating Cultural Conversations
Men’s Mission Trip to Mexico
High School Senior Dinner
Belong: Membership Class
Encounter Women’s Retreat
Men’s Beast Feast
Good Friday