Join us for Get Healthy, launching January 14
learn moreSTRONGER
At Crossline, we believe men grow in the company of other godly men.
We know that as a man you have many options in life. Crossline Men choose to take the road that serves the higher purpose of loving God and people. It is our identity.
At a Crossline Men’s bible study, you can expect to be encouraged to pursue a spiritual pathway of growth that involves getting IN, getting HEALTHY, getting STRONG, and getting GOING. You can expect to hear those four words a lot because they define the process that produces the product – God’s man.
Call Studies
Crossline Men’s Bible Study is named “The Call.” This is your first stop in the Crossline Men’s Community. This is where you GET IN. Join the men for a large group teaching, small group discussion. Call Studies meet conveniently 2 times per week.
- Thursday Mornings from 6:30 – 7:45 AM | Teaching in the Worship Center, Breakfast Burritos and Discussion: Patio
- Thursday Evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 PM | Teaching, Dinner and Discussion in the Fellowship Center.
*no advance registration is necessary just show up!
Get Healthy
Located in the Education Center
Our Get Healthy track is our most popular men’s group experience because it helps men get WINS where they are desperately needed. When you take this step toward health, you will be with a group of men. Choose one of these four topics to experience what the Bible has to say about:
INTIMACY – Connecting with the Heart of a Woman
TEMPTATION – Defeating the Things that are Defeating You
FAMILY – Leading in the Home and Leaving a Legacy with your Children
FRIENDSHIP – Accelerating Growth Through High-Performance Friendships
Men’s Get Healthy meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 PM for eight weeks (alongside Crossline Women’s Get Healthy Studies).
Get Healthy Español
Todo hombre tiene margen de mejora. De hecho, la mayor debilidad que puede tener un hombre es no ser consciente de que puede y debe mejorar.
Toma la decisión de unirte a la próxima sesión de Get Healthy para hombres en español: FAMILIA.
Juntos vamos a abordar los problemas que más afectan nuestras relaciones con Dios y las personas a las que Él nos ha encomendado.
¡ÚNETE! Los grupos se reúnen en el campus y los libros se pueden recoger en su primera reunión.
Si ve esto después de que los grupos hayan comenzado, ¡solo sepa que puede unirse en cualquier momento! ¿preguntas? póngase en contacto con:
Jaime Mayorga : [email protected] (949) 632-9418
- DURACIÓN: 8 semanas
- DÍA/HORA: Jueves por la noche de 6:30 a 8:30 pm
Get Strong
Located in the Worship Center
Get Strong is a 1-year leadership development and ministry training plan for those who feel the desire to serve the church in a leadership capacity at Crossline Church.
The focus of Get Strong is exploring and experiencing the core beliefs and behaviors of God’s man. It is the natural progression from connection to transformation to activation into leadership training. Practically, men will look deeper at themselves and their impact on the kingdom while they take practical steps to discover their full identity as “God’s Man.” Get Strong is designed to teach men how to be disciples who, in turn, make other disciples.
Get Strong is available by invitation to graduates of all four Get Healthy classes. Topics include Risk, Fight, Dream, and Soar.
For information contact: [email protected]
If you have completed all four Get Healthy classes at Crossline (Family, Friendship, Temptation & Intimacy, click below to register for Get Strong.
Register HereGet Going
A trained “God’s man” is responsible for ministry, reproducing leaders, and replacing pastoral staff in the execution and delivery of ministry to the people. His spiritual pathway at Crossline doesn’t stop after he completes Get Strong. He has been carefully supported at each step with the right connective funnels, the right tools, and resources, and the right relationships to be successful. Now, it is time to Get Going.
At Crossline, “going” takes on many shapes and forms. A trained leader now has endless opportunities to lead others. Whether that means becoming a leader of one of the many programs Crossline currently offers or starting a new ministry to share the gospel. He is considered a leader in the church. He will be called upon to be a part of the spiritual pathway for others and share the gospel with those inside and outside his circle of influence to help infuse the church with spiritual warriors who are ready to lock arms and step into battle – AS ONE.
Serve OpportunitiesMEN’S EVENTS
21 Days of Prayer Worship Night
Young Adults Worship Night
Crossline Español Worship Night
20th Crossline Anniversary
21 Days of Prayer Worship Night
Men’s Mission Trip
Men’s Beast Feast
Men’s Wilderness Experience