Crossline Blog

To the Woman Who Feels Forgotten

August 25, 2021 | Posted by : Donna Jones

Have you ever been forgotten? Or at least, felt forgotten?

Several years ago, my youngest daughter, Ashton, and her fellow cheer co-captain wrote end-of-year tributes for graduating Seniors. On the night of the sports banquet, each girl’s name was read and her contributions recognized. After the final name was announced, Ashton and her co-captain took their seats behind the podium.

Immediately, the audience began to buzz. What was the crowd saying? Those on stage couldn’t quite hear.

Finally, one mom yelled out, “You forgot Tara.”

Sure enough, they had forgotten one of their own.

Ashton quickly jumped to her feet, apologized for the oversight, and began listing off a myriad of impressive contributions Tara made to the team.

I suspect the attempt to honor Tara didn’t do much to soften the blow of being forgotten.

Being forgotten is hard to forget.

Maybe you feel like Tara.

You worked hard. You prayed hard. You tried your best. You played by the rules.

And, still, you feel forgotten.

Overlooked. Insignificant. Invisible.

Sure, the reasons women feel forgotten vary:

  • We feel forgotten because of unanswered prayer.
  • We feel forgotten because of hurt or betrayal.
  • We feel forgotten because our effort was unnoticed or unappreciated.
  • We feel forgotten when we’re knee deep in dust and dirty diapers.
  • We feel forgotten when our hair is gray and our wrinkles are deep.
  • We feel forgotten when life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would.
  • We feel forgotten when we’re left out. Or left alone. Or simply, left.
  • We may feel forgotten by friends. Or our spouse. Or our children. Or parents. Or boss.
  • We may feel forgotten because the dreams we’ve clung to, the hopes we’ve prayed for, and the desires we’ve worked for, haven’t panned out.

Whatever the reason you feel forgotten, Jesus wants to speak into that hurt. In God’s sight, you are not forgotten.

How do I know? Jesus said so.

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Dont be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Luke 12:6-7)

Sparrows are tiny, dull brown birds. Sparrows aren’t particularly beautiful, talented or noteworthy. Sparrows are ordinary.

Much like us, don’t you think?

And, since sparrows are so unremarkable, in biblical times they were deemed nearly worthless. Indeed, Jesus reminds us of how little sparrows were valued: Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? 

And yet.

God doesn’t forget one sparrow.

And so, if God doesn’t forget one sparrow, God will not forget you.

Let that sink in.

The God who spoke the universe into existence does not–will not–forget you. He sees. He knows. He cares.

You might be forgotten by people but you are not forgotten by God.

To God, you are not invisible. To God, you are invaluable.

To God, you are not invisible. To God, you are invaluable.
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This is the truth Jesus wants the woman who feels forgotten to remember.

Despite what your feelings may tell you, you, sweet friend, are not forgotten by God.

You are loved,


PS.  Donna would love to connect with you over on Instagram. You can find her at @donnaajones or @donnajonesspeaker.