Crossline Blog

How Christmas Changes Everything

December 25, 2023 | Posted by : Donna Jones

At Christmas people from every nation and every tongue will celebrate the birth of Jesus. They’ll attend church, sing songs, read scripture, light a candle.

It’s only fitting. Christmas changed everything.

Because of Christmas our sins can be forgiven.

Because of Christmas we can have the hope of heaven.

Because of Christmas we know what God is like.

Because of Christmas we see how far God will go to reach down to reach us.

Because Jesus left heaven, humbled himself and took on human flesh, humanity experienced God. In Jesus, we saw God. We touched God.  We talked with God and to God.

The KING became our kindred.

“Once in our world a stable had something in it that was bigger than our world.” – CS Lewis

Today, in the midst of our joys and sorrow, our work and our rest, our comings and our goings, let’s pause to remember—and worship—JESUS.

After all, Jesus changes everything.

Merry Christmas.

You are loved,


PS. If you find yourself struggling with grief, sadness or hardship this Christmas, please listen to my interview with my dear friend, Lori Marshall-Armstrong on the That’s Just What I Needed podcast. It will bless you, my friend.