Crossline Blog

A Prayer for YOU

December 23, 2021 | Posted by : Donna Jones

It’s early at my house (6 am, I think) but I woke up this morning impressed to pray for you.

So, that’s what I’m going to do.

Sit back. Breathe deep. Let the love of God enfold you this moment. Receive what He has for you.

Lord God, I pray for my sweet friend across the screen who is reading this right now. I can’t see her, but Father, you can. You see her joys and you see her sorrows. You see her cares, her worries, her hopes, and her dreams. You know her every step and you know what paths she should take. God, lead her in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. Meet her needs, whether the need is physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual. Fill her with the peace of Christ, enfold her in the love of Christ, give her the wisdom of Christ, soothe her with the comfort of Christ.

May she fully commit her life and her ways to you, even when she is afraid, or hurt, or confused, or tempted to follow her feelings rather than her faith.

Jesus, thank you that you left heaven and came down to be Immanuel, God with us. Remind my friend that you are with her. May she look to Jesus so she lives with conviction and the certainty of your great love for her. On the day of your birth, the angels said, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people: A Savior has been born for you, which is Christ, the Lord.” God, may my friend fully grasp the good news and have great joy. May she let the truth that a Savior was born for her, wash over her.

Use her to spread the good news. May her life be a signpost that says, “God is real.” Make her life count for eternity, because for this she was born.

And, Father, may my friend worship you with abandon. May she be like the wise men and always seek you. For with you, there is peace, love, hope, and joy. Amen.

Merry Christmas, my friend.

You are loved,


PS.  Look for my new podcast, “That’s Just What I Needed” which launches on Wednesday, January 12th. You’ll find it wherever you listen to podcasts.

PSS. I’d love to connect with you on Instagram @donnaajones.

