






High School Summer Hangs!

Jul 21, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

CruxGroups might be done, but Wednesday night Crux hangs live on!

High schoolers, on Wednesday nights (6/16-7/21) from 7-8:30pm at Crossline this summer, get ready for some sweet times together as we continue to gather, have some fun, and get into the Bible. These nights are all about continuing to connect or connecting for the first time with you over summer and for you to stay or get connected with us. We will provide the space for you to come and hang, so take advantage by grabbing your friends and bringing yourself!

Our focus this summer for our Bible study will be looking at TEN different challenges raised against Christianity and how Christians can answer these challenges. This study is based on the book “10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity,” by Rebecca McLaughlin.  If you’d like to buy the book and work through it as we go through summer, then you can do so by clicking here! Additionally, here is the breakdown of the different questions we will be looking at each week:

7/21 Where Is God In the Midst of Pain and Why Should I Believe in Heaven and Hell?

We are stoked to once again get some time to hang with you this summer!