Crossline Blog

Real Faith Brings Real Reward

November 18, 2015 | Posted by : Amy Stephenson

Real Faith Brings Real Reward

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones:


Real Faith Brings Real Reward


“Come on, Lord. Throw the dog a bone.”


Not a very spiritual sounding prayer, is it? But it was heartfelt when I prayed it. Someone I love was weary. Worn out from battles of trying to live faithfully, they’d had to face yet another curveball. Honestly, I just wanted God to make something—anything—easier for them.

I didn’t want them to give up.


Because when we’ve labored faithfully—when we’ve tried to do the right thing, tried to be the humble servant, tried to please God—but hardships and heartaches keep mounting, giving up the fight can look pretty appealing.


And then I read John’s words: “Be diligent so you receive your full reward.” (2 John 8b) I’m reminded that our reward for faithfulness won’t always be fully rewarded here. But it will be rewarded.


There’s a full reward waiting if we remain diligent. For my weary friend. For me. For you.


Are you weary? Don’t give up. Your faithfulness in this moment will be rewarded for a thousand eternal moments. Your full reward is coming, sweet friend.


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